Insurance Defense Investigations SIU Investigator
Omaha and surrounding area

In the past 30 years I have worked over thousands of workers compensation cases involving AOE COE (arising out of and during the course of employment) and fraudulent and suspicious claims where surveillances and special investigations were necessary for insurance defense.
Many of these cases I have worked have produced case breaking evidence to disprove a claim or greatly reduce the claim amount.
Video evidence obtained from both outdoors and indoors has come back to me with praise and supportive recognition from Insurance companies such as Liberty Mutual and Sentry and many more nationally and internationally known Corporations.
I was titled as an SIU (Special Investigation Unit) Investigator having to go on scene for many fatality accidents, loss of limbs and other major injuries including and not limited to head, back and other bodily injuries.
Seeking out witnesses, statements from the insured businesses, locus investigations and contact with General Managers and other prominent administrative personnel was common and challenging to get them to communicate and provide the truth of the case with any supportive paper and security video evidence.
Many claims were investigated to the fullest degree and third party entities have been pulled into the claim due to their involvement.
It takes investigative efforts from many angles to determine all involved parties. Photographic evidence of warning labels, or lack of labels, signs, training etc. have to all be researched to assure the responsible entity is known.
Welcome to Pi101.com, where Rauch Investigations can be contacted for many of your investigative needs. Call anytime and let's get going on your case! Serving the area of Omaha, Papillion, Millard, La Vista, Ralston, Elkhorn, Bellevue, Gretna and all Nebraska surrounding area's.
Call Now: (402) 237-8007