Domestic Investigator Omaha
Let your troubles be solved Omaha and surrounding area - Get good results with a Private Investigator!

We specialize in confidential domestic matters involving family, personal relationships, siblings, probate law, death, theft and other civil and criminal matters. A crime is a crime whether it was by illegal practices against the law or within the family unit.
For Example, If someone in your household stole money out of your wallet, we can investigate without involving law enforcement. Another example would be the use of illegal drugs and/or prescription medication involving a friend or family member.
Secrets are held silent to the umpteenth degree. It's like the difference of life under the sea compared to life above the sea. One needs water and the other needs air to breathe. Both have equal rights and wrongs. Whether it be a cheating spouse, a mysterious teenager, problems in a relationship, locating missing persons, trust issues, or infidelity, we can help.
P.I. skills in surveillance, database, communication, research and consulting are applied to inform the concerned party of any facts gathered concerning indifference. Intervention preparedness for reasons involving drugs and alcohol, are used with investigative techniques to bring it all together.
Counseling outside of investigations is also a necessary tool to straighten a family out. Emotions and Anger flares when it involves child care issues, infidelity, locating missing parent or child, finding assets for spousal support or litigation, which makes it nearly impossible for you to solve these difficult and delicate issues yourself.
Hiring a private investigator can take the sane out of insanity and bring you peace of mind with profitable outcomes.
Welcome to Pi101.com, where Rauch Investigations can be contacted for many of your investigative needs. Call anytime and let's get going on your case! Serving the area of Omaha, Papillion, Millard, La Vista, Ralston, Elkhorn, Bellevue, Gretna and all Nebraska surrounding area's.
Call Now: (402) 237-8007